Yep, this blog post is late. Sorry folks. You did know that's what I was talking about, right?
I have an excuse! I was feeling under the weather yesterday, either a cold or allergies. I've also been dealing with insomnia for the past week. Hooray for getting to sleep around 4:00am and trying to wake up before noon. That's an improvement though, since I was staying up all night and going zombie-like through the next day as well. We're also trying to stay on top of our housekeeping schedule as we start the latest step in trying to abolish all high-fructose corn syrup, soy, and overly-processed food we can from our diet. Today that meant making homemade mayonnaise, which was very easy, amazingly delicious, and now sitting in our fridge.
We're worried he's not getting enough to eat. |
So it's been a fairly busy week. Well, not busy but full of barriers to blogging. I also lost my measurements for the tux I needed to rent and so had to go get re-measured but got that squared away today.
Tomorrow I'm making sauerkraut!
German babies love sauerkraut. |
It's funny what you find out when you don't sleep. For example, you'll die if you go 10 days without sleep, also there's a movie out about Nazis who escaped to the moon after WWII and are coming back to invade a world where Sarah Palin is president. Iron Sky. Sort of meh, parts of it are awesome. Almost a cult classic. Almost.
Some people have no problem sleeping. |
Stacia says her week has been full of the joys of dishes and her favorite web comic. If I were to guess, based upon what she says to me over dinner and what she mumbles in her sleep, she's working on convincing me that the ideal number of children is 20, sooner is better than later, and we also should keep chickens in our backyard.
I know, it's ridiculous. Anyone who's seen the size of our backyard knows you can't keep 20 children back there.
Though Athanasius seems to like the idea of chickens. |
I've just been informed that the uber-Geek show "The Guild" has been removed from Netflix. I'm going to have to go deal with this new information now. Next week's post should be as on time as Dudley to dinner, I promise.
Barring more insomnia.
Good night! |
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