An update consisting entirely of photos, so as to catch us all up. Here we go!
They do not play well together. This is a rare moment between "I will grab your hair/head/leg/arm" and "Ha, you fool, I have teeth, feel my wrath." |
This is Caspian with his Reepicheep. |
He has the same look as the "crazy girlfriend" meme. Probably for the same reason. Google it. |
In his natural environment (what we affectionately call "the cage") surrounded by his native costume. |
"You have a gift for me?! Is it..." |
This is when we should be cleaning the house. Instead we spend these moments on pinterest searching "Cob House Design" because we both admit it would be easier to build a new home out of straw, sand, and clay and just burn this one down than clean it. |
The cat creature seems to interpret his manhandling, pulling, and pushing as affection. I thus don't know whether to break him of this habit or not. |
So the Spawn turned six months old...last month. He'll be 7 months on Friday. Yes, I am really, really behind on these posts. |
A picture to highlight his cheeks, so as to distract you from your anger at me generated by the last caption... |
And by now you've forgotten what you were upset about because LOOK HOW CUTE! |
And with cold weather comes cold weather clothes, which I think are better for babies and adults. Everyone looks better in sweaters. |
Mobility is becoming more and more an issue. He is now attempting to stand on his own. He has succeeded for a few seconds at a time. A cane has become useful, for swiping his feet out from under him. This may be why he only stands for a few seconds. |
Of course, with winter clothes comes the risk that the thug life will choose your child. This is a natural course of events. |
But the thug life can easily be countered by cardigans. Behold - British!baby |
Telling Daddy a story, highlighting his balding existence. |
Totally GQ, amirite? |
See you next time! |
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