Let's be honest. We all have times when we realize that our parenting style is unique. Orthodoxy really does nothing to curtail that...individuality. So, watching art imitate life, here's a list of signs that you might be a Geek Orthodox parent.
- You're worried your child's first word will be "Filioque"
- You debate whether or not the 'Ham' baby food can really be considered meat, and what that might mean for Lent
- You've called your wife Caspiantokos
- You've ever had to say "Stop sucking on the Pascha basket!"
- You tell people you only let your child play with wooden toys because Jesus was a carpenter, when really you're concerned about the BPA in plastic.
- You've spent nights staring at the ceiling, wondering how you're going to break it to him that breastmilk isn't Lenten
- You'll bar your child from watching violent TV and suggest they read about the Martyrdom of St. Peter the Aleut instead.
- You've spent any significant amount of time trying to explain to an 8 month old that we are not trying to suck on the floor during prostrations.
- When you want your spawn to stop doing something you accidentally shout "Anathema!"
- You've tried to explain to the leader of Church School that yes, he's under a year old, but he's advanced
- You've got your arguments ready for someday explaining why really, Lenten Chocolate Cake is the only birthday cake he'll really want.
- You make jokes about giving him a scorpion. He doesn't get them.
- You're intrigued by the fact that there's a St. Hermione
- You've ever called out "Honey, come quick! He's crying in Tone 4!"
- You're not sure how to answer when people ask you if Athanasius is a family name
- The first thing your kid ever ate after breastmilk was wine
- You're not sure if an open mouth with a lot of tongue action counts as venerating the icon
- You find new reasons to object to pews as in a quick moment of freedom you see a chubby foot disappear into the row in front of you
- You claim his babbling is actually attempts at "Gospodi pomiloy"
- You're concerned about explaining why your child claims he has more than one Father.
- And that he's telling people that his daddy wears a black dress, but only on Sundays
- You don't understand why the sign of the cross is not an official Baby Sign
- You wish they sold amber teething chotkis
- You're repeating the Jesus prayer around him constantly in the hopes that it will be his first sentence.
- The Christmas list you make for him is a list of icons that "he really needs"
- Your child is disappointed when he finds out the mall santa will not be slapping Arius
- Your wife discovers her head covering in Church can double as a nursing cover
- The hair from "Baby's first haircut" is rolled into a ball of wax
- You find the Cherubic Hymn makes the best lullaby
- You have to tell your parents that their grandchild might call them Baba or Yia-Yia, and there's very little you can do about it.
- It pains you that your baby cannot know the glory of baklava yet.
- The implications of two Christmases is already worrying.
- You stretched your humor a bit beyond the funny in order to make this list 33 points long.
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