In so far as his hair is a part of him, and we cut it off.
Well, not all of it, but it was getting really long and ridiculous - on top. The sides were short and respectable, but the length on top had people (mainly me) comparing him, depending on which way the wind had blown it, to a baby Donald Trump, Hitler, and any given possessor of a mohawk. You can see how long it is in these pictures:
Li'l Narcissus, describing how he'd like it cut. |
Bird's Eye View, when he realizes he doesn't know who's driving this thing. |
See! Observe the comb over. Trumpish, no? |
So we just ran my electric trimmer over his head (yes, I do have something with which to occasionally tame the beard). No, we didn't cut him, just his hair. It came out pretty well, in my opinion. He's much cuter without that tangled mess of (often crunchy) thread atop his mug:
Light and airy, a perfect cut for summer. |
This here is the exact moment when he realized the camera was snapping moments from his life to be published online. |
This was just too cute not to post. |
As was this. |
Athanasius has apparently discovered what a camera is, because he giggles and tries to act all coy when it comes out. In other words, he puts on his public face.
You all keep telling us "Oh, he's so sweet, he would never scream at you!" This is a lie. |
But when he wants to lay it on thick, he can be pretty cute. Mommy keeps warning him when he screams "Don't you want brothers and sisters?!" Daddy has obviously said some things on this issues during said fit-fests. |
Well, he either does that or he tells you just where you can get off:
I call this either "Get my good side" or "Turning the other cheek." |
While still a proud closet-screecher and now able to sit up unsupported for short periods of time (like, without his arms supporting him even) he has yet to break ground on breaking teeth, a feat which his godsister has beaten him to (a fact which OrthoMom is not upset about. Sorry Jenna!)
I love how Lily looks like "She said WHUT?!" 'Tase looks like he's throwin' gang signs. |
So there's the life of the little critter for this week. Photogenic, styled, toothless.
All captured in this photo. |
Until next weeks, all I can say is we apparently support Cincinnati! I forget which sport and team.
We're big on sports, I bet you can tell. |
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