So I've been gone again for a while, yes, but I finally have almost everything I need to get done in life organized to a schedule. Of course, that means that I probably have about a week before my schedule falls apart, but lets see how we do, eh? Wednesdays is blog days now, so here I am. Of course, you're not here to see me, but this little evil genius:
Don't be deceived. Pure, calculated malevolence...sometimes. |
So let's get on with it. A lot has happened in the however-long-it-has-been since I last updated, so here's a brief overview:
We went to the Serbian festival with Grandma and Grandpa (not pictured) and cousins, Godparents, and Athanasius' Godsister:
He wasn't as impressed with the food as I was. It was amazing. |
Our nephew Jake. |
Our Goddaughter Lily, instructing us, apparently, to fight 'the man.' |
The kid turned three months (and, in fact, will be four months tomorrow):
With maturity to match... |
We celebrated our family Slava, St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, with Anastasia's sister and brother-in-law. Of course the best laid plans, a.k.a. my idea of getting a photo of Athanasius with Aunt and Uncle, failed miserably but we had some really good food and some great conversation. I also failed to get a picture of the beautiful Slava bread my wife made before it was blessed, which involves ripping it in half and pouring wine on it, so instead you just get to see St. John's Icon and the last nubbin' of the Slava Candle off to the side.
What we learned: stickers on candles go up in flame very quickly. |
Slavas are passed from father to son, so all our male descendants will always have St. John as their Slava. Wives take the Slava of their husband after they get married. The saint chosen is a saint on or near the day your first ancestor became a Christian. For us it marks the day the first ancestor (me) became an
Orthodox Christian, but people of Serbian descent can trace their Slavas back hundreds of years, and can often tell what part of Serbia they were from based off of who the Slava is. It's just one of the benefits of having converted into a Serbian parish, we get this holy older-brother-in-the-faith praying for our family from today until Christ comes again.
An idea he seemed to approve of. |
The kid is rolling over, loves smiling when he's happy, is happy more often than not, and generally sleeps through the night (last night being an exception). Here are some random photos of him, helping him to eventually get a jumpstart on all the classic Facebook cliche photos:
The "Trying to look candid" pose... |
The "Caught me laughing" pose... |
The "I'm adventurous and looking off the summit I've just conquered" pose... |
The "Attempt at GQ" pose... |
The "Surprised, actually candid" pose... |
The "I'm so deep" pose... |
And finally, what appears to be a selfie. |
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