So updates are going to have to move to Friday probably. It's the one day a week now that I'm generally free - I have class every other day and am not home till about 7:00pm, and I like to keep Saturday and Sunday open, so Fridays it is.
This week has also been a change of pace in that we were very, very busy. By our regular standards anyway. On Saturday we drove up to Manteca to visit Anastasia's family for her grandparents' 60th Wedding Anniversary.
I know Buddy, that's a long time! |
We returned the same night. May God grant many more years to the happy couple!
(And their five sons, and all those sons' descendants...)
Grandma Biggs was a little outnumbered. |
After Liturgy on Sunday we went home and cleaned the house to prepare for Anya's parents coming to stay for about a week. Athanasius is now thoroughly spoiled, but is re-adjusting to not always having four adults to wait upon his every whim.
Note to self: remember to bring out camera more during busy weeks, since this is the only "with grandparents" photo that we got that is not bosh. |
On Wednesday evening my parents came up too and we went out to Rubios so he had six adults.
Thursday saw us at Chic-fil-a to meet up with Aunt Becca and her two kiddos, first time she got to meet Athanasius. I cut it short by having to be at school. I'm generally there from noon thirty to seven Monday through Thursday now, but this could be my last semester so I have that 'light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel' thing going for me. This semester I'm taking Social and Political Philosophy, Asian Religious Traditions, Anthropology of Religion, Literature of the Old Testament, and Concepts in Quantum Physics. Yes, that last one is a real class on my roster. I apparently have smooth talking friends who can convince me to sign up for such things. It's actually much easier than it far.
My tutor gets tired after our study sessions though. |
Since it is also Facebook official I'm going to end by congratulating my Brother- and Sister-in-Law on the creation of another little midget to entertain us at family functions. For anyone counting, that brings the current number of nieces and nephews upon which I can potentially influence up to fourteen, plus two in utero (one on each side!).
Anger us too greatly and an army of angry midgets shall be unleashed.
The General. |
Until next week, mes amis!
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