Saturday, November 16, 2013

Happy Friendsgiving!

So last time y'all tuned in it was Halloween. Today, by which I mean a week ago, was Friendsgiving!

The table was set with this amount of food for the past week.
I have to say I'm pretty proud of my turkey:

No basting, and I have been told by several people that it was the most moist turkey ever. Alton Brown doesn't steer his bros wrong.
So we had good food. Today the turkey carcass will be turned into broth which will season the stuffing at Thanksgiving in a few weeks, where we'll be watching the REAL Thanksgiving parade and not settling for a Netflix-available Peanuts Presents the story of the Mayflower or some such nonsense.

Yes, it was that boring.
Spawn is now doing what OrthoMom calls "cruising" which apparently means "sideways walking around the coffee table." He's also standing for longer periods. Imagine the music from 2001, A Space Odyssey to this to really get the effect.


He's also coming into his own style, for which we're really proud.

Of course, it was expected that he'd go for Daddy's bag someday, but this early? That really shows signs of advanced taste.
And his selection of this jacket is inspired, as is pairing it with his own version of La Tigra Blue Steel.
But usually he prefers a more casual, preppy look.
He'll be lecturing Mommy about her jean skirt/t-shirt combos any day now.

I know, Buddy. I know.
Fashion faux-pas which amount to baptism into a Oneness Pentecostal church aside, OrthoFamily is doing well. Athanasius still enjoys the occasional apparent drug trip with his Godsister.

Munchies certainly would explain those chins.
And last night we discovered that a tight swaddle in a fake fur blanket will calm the kid down for several hours.

It started as a joke, but hey, if it quiets the spawn, go with it. 
So, until next time, stay strong out there, y'all. It's a scary world.

Even if "Where the Wild Things Are" is "in here."


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