Ok, yes, I'm only updating on holidays, but really, I don't think you guys are so interested in our day to day lives where we go to work, school, and get our diaper changed (depending on which family member you are). So yeah, updates are far more likely after a celebration. Lucky for anybody who loves the chubby cheeks of the family prince, I think almost every weekend from her to Nativity has some feast.
Also, some of these pictures are probably duplicates from when OrthoMom got annoyed at how little I update and so loaded them all up to Facebook. I, however, don't know which ones and you didn't get to see my witty commentary on them, which is really what you come for anyway, so let's plow through the last few weeks at chez moi.
We thought his legs had disappeared for the whole afternoon. |
Spawn-osaurus turned 8 months old on the 18th. He now takes wobbly steps. By step"s" I mean a single step at multiple points in time. Ambulatory leg movement is beyond him, but it's fun to watch him look like Cotton Hill.
The only ball he has to play with, and it's actually a dryer ball. |
With Thanksgiving on the menu we've been trying more solid foods. He's having very little of it.
But he's still big on tubs. |
He's going through a very clingy stage, especially with his mother. That's just a blast.
I'm a mattress, and that's pretty much it. |
So Thanksgiving! Our parish did the Akathist of Thanksgiving the day before at four, which was awesome because it meant we had time to go before needing to be on the road. It's only about an hour to my parents house where we spent the day with a lot of food:
I probably should've removed the foil...the big one closest is some rabbit that my brother-in-law shot, and then some sweet potato casserole. |
We cooked the turkey upside down, which you pretty much have to do to get a really moist turkey if it's over 16 lbs in my opinion. Opa did the honors, of course:
I'm a white meat man, myself. |
And all the food was thouroughly enjoyed by this army of goblins:
Attempting to get a shot of them all looking at the camera and smiling ended very quickly. |
Two of the grandkids had to sit out, because they don't eat solids, but I've just realized I don't have a photo of Caroline. Here's the other hold out though, who did gnaw on some turkey at some point.
He too was preparing for Black Friday, as can be seen with his choice of toy. |
So full of pumpkin pie and parade we all took naps, of course...
His cheek looks large enough to be settled lol. |
And then this afternoon OrthoMom and I went out shopping. I got new shoes! And a pair of jeans. Here's a shocker too: OrthoMom got jeans too! She's wearing them right now, and she looks FOINE!
Anyway, now begins the Christmas Season. Advent began yesterday for us, but upcoming we have St. Nicholas Day, St. Lucy Day, Christmas, of course, Nativity (which we distinguish from Christmas for clarity sake, as we do with Easter and Pascha) and my Name Day (w00t!) and Theophany. Much to look forward to! Adieu, mes amis!
Always end on something cute. |
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