So I know usually I update earlier in the day, but I completely forgot that today was Wednesday. It's felt like Tuesday all day to me, which is weird because days don't really have 'feelings' but we all know what its like to be a day behind. The worst part is that I start classes again tomorrow so I've lost a day apparently. Ah well.
Of course, his little highness never cares what day it is. He sits around, enrobed, eating bon bons. |
This has been a busy week. A busy day really. Today alone has witnessed the building of the garden planter box, though it's still waiting to be filled with dirt.
The other "think I am a little highness who does even less than the real little highness" thinks I've built her a giant litter box. |
We've also made plenty of lara bars, which I enjoy snacking on at school (a mixture of dates and nuts). I used to eat them last year but apparently lost my recipe and had to find a new one. This new one turned out pretty good though. We got the chicken carcass from the fridge turned into stock and frozen, laundry done, seedlings started, dishes done, counter cleaned, iced tea made and Athanasius has decided he is going to start the "take off position"
This causes me to kick his legs out from under him. We are not ready for mobility just yet. |
Sometimes he'll even do that rocking back and forth thing they do before they start crawling. I think its a threat.
And this happened. |
Yep, the spawn is officially five months old. Its been five months since I've been able to say "I've never changed a poopy diaper." Five months since I didn't have to master the "typing with one hand while keeping a tiny fist from pounding my laptop and a mouth full of urp from spewing all over the keyboard" technique. Five months since I've been able to go out without grabbing a diaper bag and checking my shirt for chunky, urped up milk stains.
Not that I miss those days or anything...
That last paragraph took fifteen minutes to type because of this guy, right here. |
We also went down to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa Wesseler last weekend. It's good to do that because it brings a light to their otherwise socially lacking lives.
Seriously. They play DOMINOES down there. For FUN. |
Then we made it back in time to venerate the Hawaii' Iveron Icon. For those who don't know, this is a miraculous icon. Rose-y smelling myrrh beads up from the surface. I've watched it form a new drop and drip down the surface, and fill an entire rather large church with the smell of roses. After being anointed with the oil that rises from the Icon my younger sister was declared cancer free on a Feast of the Theotokos. It's a blessing to get to be anointed with the oil during the Dormition Fast, and on the eve of the Prefeast of the Transfiguration.
It felt a little tacky to take a photo while in line, so this is the best we got. |
And speaking of the Transfiguration yes, we made it to the you-pick place, which I think might be closer to Visalia than Fresno - it's in Kingsburg. I recommend it to my sisters. It's got a petting zoo and the kids would have fun probably picking some stuff. It was really cheap too, especially for us. See, as we pull up we see four or five tour buses parked out front, with a HUGE line of people waiting to pay. It seems that this was the day that a tour from Armenia decided to stop in Kingsburg and pick fruit. Why anybody touring America would care to see Kingsburg (no offense to her residents) or to pick their own fruit I don't know. Even outside of the line there were people
everywhere. It would've taken an hour to get through that line I think, but luckily it turns out they had a special register open for locals, and because of the inconvenience of having to carry our own box of fruit and not use a wagon they gave us 50% off. Not bad, amiright?
He seemed surprise to learn that food came from elsewhere than just "mommy." |
There was even some wildlife! |
So after tromping our way down rows of grapes (grape jelly y'all!) and peaches and plums we went back through the treacherous jungle to pay only seven bucks for all this:
Sorry to my non-Californian relatives. |
So yes, very busy week.
But some people enjoy those types of weeks. |
If nothing else it is helping me sleep better. Unfortunately I'm not sure how much longer we'll be able to keep up this blog. You see, the main talent has taken a decidedly hard line against paparazzi:
"I said NO PHOTOS!" |
And occasionally goes out of his way to avoid getting his face splashed all across the 'net.
Comes with the territory of being a public figure, kid. |
But we will persevere for as long as possible! The public has rights too, you know!
Until next week!
I think it's funny that I worry about pretending to be too mean to you on Facebook, but then on your blog you lower the hammer against your own loved ones. --J.E.