Monday, September 9, 2013

The Promised Update

Well here's the post I promised you here, but without the promised content. See, we ended up not going on the Youth Retreat because of, to borrow a phrase, a series of unfortunate events and the fact that we had a ton of stuff to do. Stuff I'm going to tell you about now! Starting with last Sunday's dinner, because it was beautiful and needed to be shared.

Very tasty. One of those chickens is now in our crock pot making stock.
Then on Labor Day Stacia woke me up with surprise doughnut dough, which, all you married folks out there, is a great way to wake someone up. These are my favorite doughnuts, which I've been told is a Nova Scotia recipe, so we call them Nova Scotia doughnuts. Nova Scotia, from what I understand, is located somewhere in Narnia. We were asked for the recipe so here it is, and here's what the end result looks like: 
Don't we look domestic? Plus half the dough is in our freezer, ready for next time we get the craving.
Dust 'em with cinnamon sugar and they're amazing warm with cider or milk. This is an example of why I shouldn't read Farmer Boy ever.
But on to the real reason you guys ever come here; The Spawn!

It came from the black lagoon...
Cash has decided that the time has come to speak of many things, of shoes and ships, wait, he's just decided to crawl.

Get ready...
Get set...
Let me hear your war cry!

He's still not quite that good at it, but he can get his arms and legs to cooperate for limited periods of time. Sort of like his daddy.

His favorite past time, however, is still to sleep.

He'd go pro, but he wants to be able to sleep through the Olympics.
And, again like daddy, to sit.

Caspian, seen here with Reepicheep.
Though he's branching out in where he likes to sit.

"How to Contain a Mobile Infant, in One Easy Step" by OrthoMom
And, of course, gnawing on human flesh.

When he's not taking advantage of his new found mobility to run his head into the TV table, the coffee table, legs of chairs, and to reach any single possible visible cord, he will occasionally accidentally play with a baby toy.

Reep' took the brunt of this attack.
But even when he mistakenly reaches for an actual toy he still is willing to truck on.

And, as we all do, sometimes sit for long minutes staring at our feet.

Fascinating stuff.
Or playing with Lily...

The one time he'll actually care about a toy - when someone else has it.
...while Mommy and Daddy work. OrthoDad finally got the garden up and running! It went from this:

Because I'm neglectful and didn't do everything we'd meant to do with it before Cash was born.
To this:

OrthoDad's inner OCD loves nice little boxes for everything.
And hopefully you'll get to see much more as actual vegetables appear. So far the only veggie plants we have are these, which I had to transplant into larger containers this weekend:

OrthoMom has been busy as well, canning three quarts of blueberry pie filling (one of which you saw up at the start of this photo-filled post) and four quarts of grape jelly:

For Grape Jelly and Chili Sauce Meatballs!
And we also got the entire living room de-cluttered this weekend. Cleanliness makes my stress levels plummet.

So, until next time, Cyber Friends, good night!

He's so good at that.


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