Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Many Uses of Duct Tape

He's not nearly this innocent. Trust me. I've seen what comes out of him.
I am in no way an expert on the use of duct tape or parenting, but this blog is about a little of both. I was told to write this blog. Not by God, He keeps up with my thoughts the normal way (via Facebook) but by a friend who said that she wanted to be able to see in a more linear and outlined way the random sagacity that streams through my mind, particularly on parenting for some reason. Why this is so I don't know, especially as we'd expect her to be the greater expert since she has four kids as it is, but one of them wears skinny jeans, so maybe she feels she could use some tips.I just have the one baby boy who is currently sleeping (Deo Gratias!)

It all really started with duct tape. This was years ago so the story has all but vanished from my memory except for the now-inside-joke of just saying "duct tape." I think I was telling her sister, who was watching her kids at the time, that if she got sick of washing multiple cups per kid she could just duct tape them to a chair and bring them one glass of water at a time, or something similar. For some reason this was met with mirth. Nobody ever takes my ideas seriously.

So here's the blog. It will of course incorporate my faith, Holy Orthodoxy, because for cryin' out loud Orthodoxy incorporates everything. It will probably also talk about food, because I love food, and a hatred for cats because I disdain them. It will also serve as a place to upload a ton of pictures of my son Athanasius, meaning I don't have to fill up my friend's news-streams with pictures of my (admittedly adorable) spawn. It fits that they'd go here, since this blog is technically about my molding him into a suitable mini-me.

I can't promise it will always be funny, or enlightening or interesting or what have you. I do have to be serious sometimes. I'll probably also use it as a springboard for discussions about religion, especially as I get questions about Orthodoxy from my friends because we do some pretty weird things sometimes. Stay tuned for the kid's Chrismation in a few weeks (see? "Chrismation"? I was once accused of making that word up. I assure you, it's totally a thing.)

We'll get to the beard later.

So voila, here's the blog (which, according to the Canons, as a convert I was supposed to have anyway apparently, since every Orthodox convert always has a blog).


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